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The Catalan Atlas, 1375 (detail)

History of the Text:

Manuscripts and Printed Editions

of the Divisament dou Monde


There are nearly 150 surviving manuscripts of Polo’s text, spanning across all major European languages, while we lack a comprehensive catalogue of printed editions of the Divisament dou Monde. The following page gathers references and links to some of the most important manuscript and printed editions of the book.

Main manuscript versions of the Divisament dou Monde
(Source: ARLIMA, Archives de Littérature du Moyen Age.


In Franco-Italian:

  • Le Divisament dou Monde (version F)


In Catalan:

  • Lo libre de les provincies e de les encontrados qui son desotz la seyoria del gran emperador del Catay


In French:

  • Le Devisament dou Monde (version Fr)

  • Le livre des condicions et coustumes des principalles regions de Orient

  • Le livre des prouvinses et encontrees


In Gaelic:

  • Irish version of Polo’s book


In German:

  • Marco Polo Reisen 


In Italian:

In Latin:


In Portuguese:


In Spanish:

  • El libro de Marco Polo (Aragonese)

  • Rodrigo Fernández de Santaella, El libro del famoso Marco Polo



Printed editions of significant relevance (1450-1700)


1477 - Buch des edlen Ritters und Landfahrers Marco Polo, Nurembergç Friedrich Creussener.

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1483-1485 - De consuetudinibus et conditionibus orientalium regionum (Latin translation of Francesco Pipino), Gouda: Gerard Leeu.

1496 – Delle maravigliose cose del mondo, Venice: Johannes Baptista Sessa.

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1500 – Delle maravigliose cose del mondo, Brescia: Baptista Farfengus.

1502 ‘    Marco Paulo. Ho livro de Nycolao Veneto. Ho trallado da carta de huum genoves das ditas terras, Lisbon: Valentym Fernãdez. Digital reproduction:

1503 -    El libro de las cosas maravillosas que vido en las partes orientales, Sevilla, Estanislao Polono y Jacobo Cromberger.

1508 – De le meravegliose cose del mondo, Venice: Melchiorre Sessa.

1529 – El libro de las cosas maravillosas que vido en las partes orientales,  Logroño, Miguel de Eguía. Digital reproduction: zXFyaEl2ZsEC&redir_esc=y

1555 – Marco Polo venetiano in cui si tratta le meravigliose cose del mondo per lui vedute: del costume di varii paesi, dello stranio uiuere di quelli; della descrittione de diversi animali, e del trovar dell'oro, dell'argento, e delle pietre preciose, cosa nonmen utile, che bella, Venice: Matteo Pagano.

1556 – La description geographique des provinces et villes plus fameuses de l'Inde Orientale, Paris: Etienne Groulleau.

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1559 – I viaggi di messer Marco Polo, gentilhuomo veneziano (included in Ramusio Navigationi et viaggi, second tome), Venice: Giunti.

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1579 –  The most noble and famous travels of Marcus Paulus, one of the nobilitie of the state of Venice, into the east partes of the world, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with many other kingdoms and provinces, London: [Henry Bynneman] for Ralph Newbery.

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1611 – Chorographia Tartariae: Oder Warhafftige Beschreibung der uberaus wunderbahrlichen Reise, welche der Edle und weit erfahrne Venedigische Gentilhuomo Marcus Polus, mit dem zunahmen Million, noch vor vierthalb hundert Jahren, in die Oriental und Morgenlände, Leipzig: in vorlegung Henning Grosse (II), [typis Tobias Beyer, durch Lorenz Kober].

1664 -    Reisen, en beschryving der Oostersche lantschappen, Amsterdam: for A. Wolfgang.

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1671 – De Regionibus Orientalibus Libri III.: Cum Codice Manuscripto Bibliothecae Electoralis Brandenburgicae collati, exque eo adiectis Notis plurimum tum suppleti tum illustrate, Coloniae Brandeburgicae [Berlin]: Georg Schulz.

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Commentarii Super Marci Puli Veneti Historia Orientalis:

1679 - Andreae Mülleri Greiffenhagii De Sinarum Magnaeque Tatariae Rebus Commentatio Alphabetica, Ex Auctoris Commentariis Super Marci Poli Veneti Historia Orientali Aliisque Magno Numero Manuscriptis Excerpta ac saltim delibata, Berlin: 1679.

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1735 – Travels Made Mainly in Asia in the XII, XIII, XIV and XV Centuries by Benjamin de Tudele, Jean Du Plan-Carpin, N. Ascelin, G. de Rubruquis, M.P. Vénitien, Haiton, J. de Mandeville and A. Contarini. Accompanied by L'histoire des Sarasins et des Tartares, edited by Pierre Bergeron, La Haye: Jean Neaulme, 2 volumes.

1747 – A new general collection of voyages and travels. Consisting of the most esteemed relations, which have been hitherto published in any language; comprehending everything remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, compiled by John Green, but known as the Astley collection, London : Printed for T. Astley, 1745-1747. The fourth volume of the Astley Collection (p. 590 ff) contains an abstract of Polo's book, with brief explanatory notes.


1802 - Marco Paolo's Reise in den Orient, während der Jahre 1272 bis 1295. Nach den vorzüglichsten Original-Ausgaben verdeutscht und mit einem Kommentar begleitet von Felix Peregrin, Konneburg und Leipzing: Schuman.

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1818 – The Travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the Thirteenth Century: Being a Description, by that Early Traveller, of Remarkable Places and Things, in the Eastern Parts of the World, edited by William Marsden, London: Cox and Baylin.

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1824 - Voyages de Marco Polo, in Recueil de voyages et de mémoires de la Société de géographie, edited by Jean Baptiste Gaspard Roux de Rochelle, Paris: D’Éverat.

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1827 – Il Milione di Marco Polo: testo di lingua del secolo Decimoterzo, edited by Giovan Battista Baldelli Boni. Florence: Vincenzo Pagani.

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1845 - Die Reisen des Venezianers Marco Polo im dreizehnten Jahrhundert, edited by  August Bürck and with notes by Karl Friedrich Neumann, Leipzig: Teubner.

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1847 – The Travels of Marco Polo: Greatly Amended and Enlarged from Valuable Early Manuscripts Recently Published by the French Society of Geography and in Italy by Count Baldelli Boni, edited by Hugh Murray, Oliver & Boyd.

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1847 – I Viaggi di Marco Polo Veneziano, tradotti per la prima volta dall' originale francese di Rusticiano di Pisa e corredati d'illustrazioni e di documenti, edited by Vincenzo Lazari, Venezia: Pasini.

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1854 - The Travels of Marco Polo The Venetian, edited by Thomas Wright, London: Bohn.

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1863 –  Voyageurs anciens et modernes ou Choix des relations de voyages les plus intéressantes et les plus instructives depuis le cinquième siècle avant Jésus-Christ jusqu'au dix-neuvième siècle, avec biographies, notes et indications iconographiques, vol. 2, edited by Édouard Charton, Paris : Au Magasins du Bureau Pittoresque.

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1863 - I viaggi di Marco Polo, secondo la lezione del codice Magliabechiano più antico, reintegrati col testo francese a stampa, edited by Adolfo Bartoli, Firenze: Le Monnier.

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1865 - Le livre de Marco Polo, edited by Guillaume Pauthier, Paris: Firmin Didot.

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1871 – The Book of Ser Marco Polo, The Venetian, edited by Henry Yule and Henri Cordier, London: Murray (2 volumes).

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Contact & Credits

Tommaso Pepe, Wenzhou-Kean University
Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China |

Website Contributors: Huang Mengmeng, Li Tianle, Liang Qiuxia, Zheng Zefeng, Zhou Huashun

Guangzhou Maritime University

Special Thanks to Gianpaolo Pepe

Website contributors

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